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5 Home Improvement Projects to Tackle Before Moving into a New Home

5 Home Improvement Projects to Tackle Before Moving into a New Home

Home improvement projects are a great way to make your new house feel like a home. It is amazing what some hard work and TLC can do to a place. Even if your new house is absolutely perfect inside and out, you're probably not going to share the previous owners' tastes.

Home improvement projects make all the difference and they are best executed before you move all your belongings into the house. These projects don't have to be super expensive but if it is within your budget, you can completely redesign the house to suit your needs and personal taste. It is your house, after all! Here are 5 projects to complete before you make the big move. 

1) Start with easy home improvement projects like painting

Painting is one of the easiest ways to take your home from drab to fab. There are very few things that a fresh coat of paint can't fix. It is also an affordable way for you to make your mark on the place before officially moving in.

Painting the rooms before you add your belongings works wonders because you can go crazy without having to worry about messing on any furniture. Chances are slim that you'll like the colour scheme the previous owners had so buy a bucket and a paintbrush and start splashing some colour around!

2) Change the lighting

A beautiful colour scheme pairs well with amazing lighting. You will be amazed to see how quickly a room's appearance can be altered with a simple change in lightbulbs. The previous owners might have used the same lightbulbs and lamps throughout the house, giving the interior a dated and boring look.

Replace these old lighting fixtures and lightbulbs with more functional alternatives. You can add energy-saving lightbulbs in places like the bathroom and the kitchen where you need a lot of light. In areas like the bedroom and the living room, on the other hand, you can add softer lights and perhaps install dimmers to create a relaxed atmosphere.

3) The kitchen is one of the most important home improvement projects

Kitchen renovations can cost quite a few bucks but a beautiful kitchen lasts a lifetime. This room is one of the biggest selling points when buyers look at it. If you are planning on selling your house in a few years, then it might be worth it to spend the money on a new kitchen.

Having said that, if it isn't within your budget, there are smaller things you can do to improve your kitchen. Replacing small things like taps, cabinet handles, and backsplashes can already make a huge difference.

You can also get rid of things that don't serve the functionality of the space. Maybe you'd prefer open cabinets without doors. Perhaps you'd like to remove the kitchen island. These are little things that won't cost you an arm and a leg but will definitely transform your kitchen altogether.

4) Replace bigger systems before they become a problem

As with any house that you buy, you are going to run into a few snags here and there. The trick is to take care of these issues before it becomes a disaster. Your priority should be to fix any systems that are not in working order.

If you know that some electrical and plumbing issues need to be sorted out, get someone to do it before you move in. Don't rely on someone who knows someone who knows someone else who can do the job for free; phone a professional. Rather pay a bit more and know that they are doing a proper job in fixing it.  

5) Tackle big home improvement projects like the bathroom last

As with the kitchen, a renovated bathroom is the biggest investment you can make in your house. However, it is often also the biggest home improvement project to tackle. Because there is plumbing involved, you will more than likely have to get help from a plumber.

Some of the renovations that you can make in the bathroom are replacing the toilets and baths with modern versions and installing a shower if you don't have one already. Easier bathroom renovations that you can do yourself include painting, tiling, and replacing taps and existing shower heads. 

Final thoughts

Home improvement projects are exciting to tackle but it does require hard work. Whether you are painting a wall or installing a bath, enjoy every step you take towards making the house your own, it will be worth it in the end.

27 Apr 2023
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