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Leave no stone unturned.
Leave no stone unturned.

Leave no stone unturned.

Leave no stone unturned.
This has become our mantra during the exciting yet extraordinarily challenging journey of building a sustainable and transformational recycling enterprise in East London, South Africa.
Not too long ago, things felt "stuck" in place, where no matter how God-inspired and meaningful the work seemed, expenses far exceeded revenue in a very tough industry, as remaining support resources quickly dwindled.
Then one day, in August 2020 and right in the middle of COVID lock-down, we met David Bernstein - the owner of Car Connexion, a local auto sales business. His demonstrated commitment toward cleaning the local environment led to our envisioning how to pursue this together practically on a larger scale. And within a few days he had reached out to business contacts and found 15 others who were also willing to regularly sponsor the clean-up of identified areas in the city problematic with illegal dumping, excessive litter and long-neglected overgrowth. Thus began this arm of our enterprise, at the most unlikely of times, and with it a fresh injection of new vision and hope for what was possible despite immense challenges.

As a "turned stone", David has proven to be a pioneer, who continues to actively support us, help in a myriad of ways, and champion the general cause.
Next, in January 2021 Mel McGarry, a dear friend, connected us with the Directors of Investpro - a real estate firm and her company of employment. They were hungry to go beyond "business as usual" and get practically involved in positive environmental and social change in the city. It was a natural connection from the start, and they quickly mobilized two like-minded associate businesses (Charteris & Barnes, an accounting firm; and BKR Inc, a legal firm) and jointly "adopted" a beautiful local beach to help clean and maintain. We have since expanded to additional areas through this partnership, and even better, these businesses send teams of  volunteers every Monday morning to help us do the cleaning.

Furthermore, Investpro has opened additional opportunities for us on properties they manage, such as grass cutting & gardening at an industrial park and access to bulk recyclable cardboard waste at a grocery store - all of which help generate more employment & skills development opportunities for local youth and help us become more sustainable. And they have introduced us to the regional Chamber of Business, where we have subsequently become highly involved at a more systemic level through Waste Management, Business development, and Youth committees.
As a "turned stone", Mel and Investpro have proven to be enthusiastic key-holders to numerous new doorways of potential opportunity for enhancing programming, and who likewise roll up their own sleeves to help carry out the work.
Finally, in March 2021 we met Richard Davies (through a referral from Investpro!), owner of Insight Office Furniture in the industrial neighbourhood of Arcadia. This area is abuzz with numerous businesses operating from large warehouses, yet is beset by extremely complex challenges - including very high levels of vagrancy (as people migrate there looking for temporary work opportunities and set up informal living structures in the streets). With this comes extensive environmental degradation, substance abuse and accompanying crime - all of which pose safety issues for local businesses, employees and customers. While there is no easy solution to all of this, surely the answer sits somewhere in the middle of mobilizing local businesses to contribute, cleaning & regularly maintaining the area, and offering potential work & skills development opportunities to the unemployed.
And Richard has spearheaded this effort - tirelessly reaching out to local property & business owners, as well as the ward councilor and police, over the past several months and compelling them to join a united effort to proactively invest in and transform the community.
As of this month (October 2021), 10 such businesses have already come on board, with enough monthly investment for us to officially begin the work. This is highly significant, as it is the first example of multiple businesses & property owners within a specific local neighborhood coming together to take joint responsibility for local environmental cleanliness & safety.



As a "turned stone", Richard has proven to be a visionary mobilizer for a model of local transformation which can potentially be applied in other communities across the city.
What a journey the past four years have been since starting the recycling enterprise! Even as we continue to seek God's leading and take gradual small steps toward sustainability in a way which leads to the vision of holistic transformation in lives and communities - environmentally, socially, economically and spiritually - we likewise continue to be grateful and deeply humbled by those occasional unexpected pioneers, key-holders and mobilizers who join in and enable significant leaps forward.
Honestly, probably 90% of the "stones" of potential opportunity we have rolled over along the way have seemingly been unfruitful detours - but as for the minority 10% which have led to such leaps? They make all the difference. This fills us, together with an extensive community of faithfully committed partners - including God Adventure church, more than 30 other local businesses, and the 250 citywide residences who recycle with us - with a growing sense of hope, connectedness and empowerment to be an active part of tangible transformation.
You are an essential part of this community. Your support - through generous donations, facilitated connections, wise council, faithful prayers, and unending encouragement - is nothing less than the heart and hands of Jesus working together to bring healing & restoration in East London!



26 Oct 2021
Author Dr Scott Worley
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